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Ocean rock fishing safety

March 22, 2021 2 min read

Ocean rock fishing safety by Addict Tackle

All over Australia, fishing off ocean rocks is a popular pastime, and offers anglers without a boat to access species usually reserved for those with boats or kayaks. It also offers an exhilarating way to tangle with some of our most iconic species, and the locations ocean rock fishing can take you are worth visiting on their own without the fishing!

But, as with many enjoyable things there are risks, and the risks with ocean rock fishing need to be taken seriously.

Rock fishing shouldn’t be done alone if it can be avoided, and before you climb down to your selected platform, observe the wave action from a distance to gain an understanding of what’s going on. A minimum of 20 minutes should be spent making sure it is safe where you intend to fish. If it doesn’t look safe, don’t fish there. If there’s any doubt, it just isn’t worth the risk.

Even when you’re down there fishing, you can never take your eyes off the ocean. You should always have an escape route in mind, should a rogue wave start building.

To decrease the risk of injury, a wash-off, or even drowning, there are certain items that are highly recommended.

Firstly, a good set of rock shoes will lessen the risk of slipping on slippery rocks. Adrenalin Rock Spike Fishing Boots are designed to be comfortable, while also giving you the grip you need to stay upright. These boots have been designed with rock anglers in mind.

Something else that while not compulsory in all states is strongly recommended, is a life jacket or personal floatation device (PFD). Many are manually inflated, however if a head injury is sustained during the wash-off, manual inflation is completely useless. Auto inflate models like the Relaxn Auto Inflate Life Jacket are a far better option, and are designed so they don’t affect your maneuverability as you go about your fishing.

Ocean rock fishing is an incredibly fun way to fish, and if you take the right precautions and take the right equipment, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy it too!

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