The length of a Pakula Original Hothead Lures Uzi is 143mm or 5.5 inches. The Pakula Original Hothead Uzi Lure gives you an all-around fishing lure! These lures are not only gr.....more
The Pakula Original Hothead Uzi Lure gives you an all-around fishing lure! These lures are not only great at snagging the smaller fish like mackerel, kingfish, tuna etc. they are even effective at bagging a billfish.
Barely a month after its release, this lure won the Cairns light tackle tournament, the Ribbons Light Tackle, and is a frequent winner of the Frazer Coast and the coast Bluewater Tournament.
Pakula Original Hothead Uzi Lures are a favorite among game fishers and are available in a range of colours.